All of us have, at one point or another, used major file hosting websites like Megaupload, Hotfile and Rapidshare. The sweetest part and the reason why we wait for hours on end to download our required files from these links is 'cause we don't have to cough up a dime while doing so. Buying them is a far worse idea as breaking rules is and always will be our kinda deal!
Free Fileserve, Filesonic Premium Link Generator
But there's a catch (yeah, all good things come at a price). Even if you do manage to wait for your download link to appear and somehow you manage to start your download, the speed is gonna be like one of those days when you are late for work and the old lady driver in the car up front just won't moooove! Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. I'm gonna tell you a way out.. Break all the rules and make a run for it!
Getting back to the topic, file hosting websites lag speed, restrict parallel downloading and make you wait before they throw a bone at you, that is if you a FREE MEMBER. These sites require pocket change if you want to download files without any restrictions and party all day long with free software downloads.
But, as always, we have a solution for you. Now, you can download files all day long with a Premium account to satisfy all your software hunger and that too, without paying a dime (Yeah, you heard me). Simply, useFree Fileserve, Filesonic and Megaupload Premium Link Generator, copy and paste a Megaupload file URL and instantly download your file.
Free Fileserve, Filesonic Premium Link Generation technique
Follow the instructions below to break free and enjoy unlimited downloads for a day:
Step 1: Go to DebriDNS and register for an account. Verify and login to your DebriDNS account.
Step 3: Right click on it and select Properties.
Step 4: Double click on IPV4.
Step 5: Click “Use the following DNS server addresses” and enter the following DNSaddresses:
Preferred DNS Server:
Alternative DNS Server:
Click OK and Exit.
Step 6: Restart your browser and say a prayer 'cause you have entered the rabbit hole!
As for downloading a file, all you have to do it:
Step 1: Open Megaupload and you will find yourself logged in as a a Premium User (Huraaah!)

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